THE family of a Runcorn pensioner who died at Warrington Hospital after contracting the superbug C-diff have launched a campaign for justice.

At an inquest into the death of 80-year-old Thomas Highton, of Leaside, Halton Brook, in February, his family heard a catalogue of failures in the care leading up to his death and listened to a consultant apologise on behalf of the hospital for the failings.

Mr Highton died, emaciated, last May 17 after being admitted to Warrington Hospital with a collapsed lung on April 22.

During his 25 days in hospital he contracted C-diff followed by pneumonia.

As part of the complaint waged by Mr Highton’s family, which now rests with the Healthcare Commission, is a detailed report of their concerns involving the lack of basic care from hygiene, contamination, food and medicines, to the inadequate attention of medical staff.

The family received a minimum of 20 apologies from Catherine Beardshaw, the hospital’s chief executive, in repsonse to 185 questions they raised about the quality of care he received.

One of his son’s, Michael, a 47-year-old teacher, said: “This campaign was born out of the sad experiences of our families resulting in a number of, we believe, avoidable deaths of our loved ones.

“We are looking for other people willing to share their experiences of care and treatment in these hospitals and those to date that have contacted us have highlighted a number of significant similarities in their own experiences.

“The main focus is to improve the quality of care and treatment that people in the Warrington and Halton areas are experiencing in our hospitals.

”Ultimately, the legacy of the relatives that have sadly passed will be that other future patients do not need to die needlessly and that good practice is developed from the lessons learnt.”

Michael intends to eventually form a committee with input from staff at Warrington Hospital.

Derek Twigg MP for Halton has written to Ms Beardshaw on behalf of the Hightons and other families asking for a response to the allegations of negligence.

He said: “How can I and my consituents be satisfied that care and hygiene on wards at the Trust are of the standard that is required and what independent evidence do you have to support it?”

To contact Michael Highton email