A PROMISE auction is being held at Penketh Methodist Church hall to raise funds for the new church building.

More than 50 auction items are up for grabs thanks to congregation members who have promised to do jobs for the highest bidders.

Barrie Stirk, chairman of the building executive, said: “I have offered to take two people out on a day trip with lunch to Yorkshire. “Other offers include curry for six in their home, handknitting an arran garment, babysitting, gardening, running someone to the airport, doing a basket of ironing, making and icing a child’s birthday cake, a trip on the Wizard canal boat, a theatre visit, weekend joints of meat worth £10, handmade cards, other day trips and a family ticket to a Wolves match.

“We have had two promise auctions before and they were really successful raising around £2,000 each so we hope this is as successful.”

Hair and manicure vouchers, an Everton football book signed by David Hickson, Graeme Sharp and eight current players and a Warrington Wolves rugby ball are also available.

Programmes featuring the listings cost 50p from Barrie Stirk who is also accepting sealed bids from those who cannot attend the event which starts at 10.30am on Saturday, April 25.

Call Barrie on 729604 for more infomation.