MARATHON man Damian Hill has completed the arduous Marathon Des Sables challenge.

The Gorse Covert man ran the equivalent of five-and-a-half-marathons in seven days through the Sahara Desert.

He is raising money for Mencap.

He sent this emotional e-mail after completing the race this weekend.

“Hi Guys, just to let you all know I have just finished the Marathon Des Sables.

“I feel so emotional at the moment its been a fantastic experience and the hardest thing I have ever done in my life.

"I would like to thank everyone for their help and support in sponsoring me it is so appreciated.

"Thank you also for your emails, they have kept me going when I have been at low points, and it was good to hear the boys won the footy.

“I miss you all but will be home soon.

“Tammy, I love you so much and would just like to thank you for all your support and faith in me (I told you I wouldn’t die ha ha ha). "I better go now and get some food and they are treating us to a show this evening.

“Take care everyone and see you all soon, Damian.”