A BEAUTY student will be cruising the waves after landing a job with Steiner luxury liners.

Rachelle Carter-Shepherd, of Dorchester Park, Moore, landed the beauty therapist position after being put through her paces by Steiner representatives at a day long interview in Leeds.

Eighty people were shortlisted for the interview but the Mid-Cheshire College student fought off competition from experienced professionals who had their own businesses.

The 18-year-old said: “I was very nervous during the interviews, I had to make a presentation and a two-hour practical demonstration. I am so excited to have been offered the job”

Sam Milner, beauty tutor, said: “Rachelle is an extremely motivated and focused student who has worked hard to fulfil her life ambition to work for Steiner on the cruise liners.”

After three months training Rachelle will cruise the world as an on-board beauty therapist.