A LATCHFORD school has been praised by an Ofsted inspector who visited the school to see how it was applying nationwide techniques.

Sir Thomas Boteler High School was one of a number visited last month to assess national strategies that aim to help raise standards and improve attainment as part of a survey.

And the report praised work done by the school in a number of initiatives that helped pupils to learn.

Inspector Sara Morrissey said: “They enjoy the wider range of activities planned and also value the more frequent opportunities to assess and reflect upon their own learning as well as that of their peers.”

The aim of the visit was for the inspector to gain the school’s view on the impact of the programme by interviewing teachers and pupils.

In the report it highlighted the school’s improvement in increasing attendance levels from 89.5 per cent in 2006/07 to 92.5 per cent in 2007/08.

The report added: “The school has a well established and coherent approach to supporting vulnerable pupils that reflects the caring and supportive Christian ethos that underpins its work with all pupils.”

But the report did touch on the fact that the school had variations in the progress made between different subjects and groups of pupils.