AFTER 17 years of trying Ian Knott is celebrating after finally making it into the fire service.

The 35-year-old is the third man in his family to join the service, joining his dad and granddad in helping serve their communities.

He has been working for Staffordshire Fire Service for three weeks now, and has already put his training to use battling house fires, a scrap yard fire and even rescued two bungling burglars from a roof where they became trapped.

“I am really enjoying it,” he said. “It’s what I’ve always wanted to do.

“I love helping people, I love the variety of the work and that no two days are the same,” added Ian, of Coldstream Close, Cinnamon Brow.

Ian previously worked as a lorry driver but also volunteered at the Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service where he helped with home safety assessments.

He still volunteers for the British Red Cross’ fire and emergency support service, which provides clothes, food and support for those affected by house fires or natural disasters.

“I was ecstatic to get the job. Nobody is going to take this off me,” he said.