HAVE you ever wanted the chance to do some time - but with a key to get out?

A unique chance to work in a voluntary position on the monitoring board at HMP Risley has come up.

Inside every prison and immigration centre there is an Independent monitoring board (IMB) who monitor the day-to-day life of the prison and ensure that proper standards of care and decency are maintained.

The numbers on the board vary between 10 and 20 and there is an experienced board member who will explain exactly what is needed.

A spokesman said: “The role of an IMB member offers a unique opportunity to develop and apply your skills.

“You need an inquiring mind, looking to see if what you have been told, whether by prisoners of staff, is true.

“You need the time, energy and enthusiasm to make a full contribution to the work of the board.”

The roles are unpaid by travelling expenses and out-of-pocket expenses are paid.

Members give the equivalent of two to three days a month but this can vary.

If you think you can help call 733237.