A WESTY man who threatened two women shop workers with a five-inch steak knife while he stole cigarettes and a £3.99 alcopop has been jailed for three and a half years.

Christopher Smith of Brindley Avenue appeared at Warrington Crown Court on Wednesday after admitting possessing a blade and robbing Bargain Booze on Marsh House Lane, Orford last December 30.

The 23-year-old also pleaded guilty to affray following an afternoon bar brawl that cost him his front teeth in the Barley Mow on Old Market last July 16.

The court heard Smith became aggressive when he and his friend were asked to leave by staff after allegedly accidentally breaking the bar rail and in the following scuffle punched the assistant manager leaving him needing 13 stictches to the inside of his mouth.

Sarah Badrawy, prosecuting, said Smith was caught on Bargain Booze’s CCTV holding the clearly visible knife and could be seen pointing the blade at shopworkers Victoria Riley and Tracy Muckley.

She said: “Initially he went behind the counter to get some cigarettes and as he walked away he took a bottle of WKD blue.

“Ms Muckley described feeling absolutely shocked and terrified while Ms Riley said she was terrifled, shaken and shocked – she thought he was going to attack her and she was very frightened.”

Michael Davies, defending, said Smith, who has a conviction for common assault and a history of breaching orders stemming back to his youth, had entered the shop with a lookout.

He added: “There was no attempt to bully the women by holding the knife to them or toward them. The robbery was pre-meditated to the extent that he was egged on to go into the shop by people. He is extremely remorseful for the fear he put the two women in.

“Alcohol has been a significant problem for him.”

Judge Stephen Clarke said: “You went in wearing a disguise and the people who have to endure these offences are vulnerable people.

“The two women work in the shop providing a service to the community. They didn’t know whether the knife would be used – you can imagine the terror that must have caused.”