A PRIMARY school that was put into special measures following a damning Ofsted inspection is now providing a satisfactory education for its pupils.

Bruche Community Primary School was judged as failing in October 2007 after inspectors rated the Seymour Drive, Padgate school’s overall effectiveness as being inadequate.

But after a number of monitoring visits, the requirement has been quashed after employees of the education watchdog found the establishment to have improved the children’s education.

Teaching and learning in the foundation stage was found to now be of a good standard.

Youngsters at the end of key stage two have been reaching or exceeding national averages in maths, English and science.

Inspectors support the school’s view that this year’s national assessment results will rise.

The well being and personal development of children was considered to be good, with children being happy to come to school and said to be enjoying learning.

The strong and effective leadership of the head teacher and deputy head teacher, was noted by Ofsted inspectors as being of benefit to the school.

They were both said to be respected by parents, pupils and staff.

High morale and good teamwork were pin pointed as being strong features if the school’s ethos.

Bruche Community Primary was said to be committed to continuous improvement.

Lynne Mullen, headteacher, said: “I am very pleased with the results of this inspection and must thank all the staff, parents, pupils and governors for pulling together and improving the school for the better- well done Bruche.”