FUNDING for a new town centre clinic to replace Garven Place has been set and the next stage of planning will now commence.

The clinic will cost NHS Warrington £861,000 a year for the next 25 years.

That figure is a saving of £107,000 a year on the initial figure presented to NHS Warrington bosses last month.

It represents a cost of £265.50 per m2 of the building, a figure that includes maintenance, insurance and running costs.

It also covers the building for unpredicted costs that may come from changes in laws.

In a further incentive for providers Renova to deliver below that cost, any savings made will be split between the company and NHS Warrington.

Work has now begun in four different firms to check Renova is offering value for money on its proposals.

NHS Warrington’s chief executive Andrew Burgess said the build was ‘the single most important construction initiative we will embark on’.

Building work is due to commence in April 2010 and the clinic is due to open in August 2011.

It forms part of Warrington Borough Council’s master plan for the town centre.