A MANAGER who headbutted a former employee shortly after making him redundant has avoided jail.

Stephen Leah, aged 30, of Forster Street, Orford appeared at Warrington Crown Court on Monday after admitting assaulting David Flaherty at the Box Works Club last July 10.

Peter Hussey prosecuting said the 21-year-old victim had worked behind the bar for a few days at the Irish Club but was made redundant by Leah shortly after he took over the stewardship.

Mr Hussey said: “Mr Flaherty was owed money and was not paid straight away. He tried on several occasions to get this money but felt fobbed off.”

On the day of the attack the court heard Leah lost his temper after hearing Mr Flaherty, who had been drinking at the Box Works Club with some ex-colleagues, had been asking Leah’s wife for his money.

Mr Hussey added: “He went to the Box Works Club where he beckoned him to come to a private room in the back and it was in that room that Mr Flaherty was assaulted.

“He said he was headbutted as he was backing away to the wall.”

Mr Flaherty received a 3cm cut that needed 11 stitches.

Virginia Hayton defending said: “He expresses genuine remorse. It was a single blow and more through good luck than good management the injury was to the inside of the eyebrow which has fully healed.”

The court heard that Leah, who has recently lost his job and has sole custody of his teenage son, has a previous conviction from six years ago for wounding with a weapon.

Leah was sentenced to a 12-month supervision order to address alcohol-related issues and ordered to carry out 150-hours of unpaid work.

Judge Stephen Clarke said: “You have got the responsibility of a 14-year-old son. You are not setting much of an example and you put his future at risk when you behave in the way that you did.

“It does not need me to tell you how catastrophic a custodial sentence would be for him.”