THE NHS Blood and Transplant group is calling on Warrington residents to mark the year ahead with a commitment to donation.

The group wants people to give blood and sign up to the NHS Organ Donor Register.

Around 7,000 donations are needed every day to maintain healthy blood stocks and ensure life-saving treatments for patients across the country.

Despite the thousands of transplant operations that take place every year, almost 8,000 people are registered for a transplant, of whom about 1,000 will die while waiting.

Lynda Hamlyn, NHSBT chief executive, said: “Every time someone gives blood or adds their name to the organ donor register, they are offering the possibility of transforming someone else’s life and the lives of their families.”

For your nearest blood donation session ring 08457 711 711 or visit

To add your name to the NHS Organ Donor Register call 0845 60 60 400 or visit