THE council has shared ambitious makeover plans to improve the town centre.

Sankey Street and Hilden Square will be a welcoming space that is ‘safer and more attractive’.

Proposals include new and upgraded surfacing of the footway and carriageway, more greenery and planting, better facilities for pedestrians and cyclists and improvements for buses.

The scheme is part of a Sustainable Travel programme, which is part of the council’s Town Deal programme announced in 2022 and funded by UK government.

WBC’s long-term vision is to look at the whole length of Sankey Street from Bold Street to Crosfield Street.

This consultation, named Sankey Street Gateway Consultation, is for Phase 1: Bold Street to Springfield Street.

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In terms of why Sankey Street is being improved, the council say this is because it is a ‘key gateway’ between the town centre pedestrianised areas and the Town Hall and Palmyra Quarter.

They also say that Hilden Square is included in the plans because it is a public space next to the Golden Square where people sit, gather, and walk around.

Other reasons include supporting the town centre and making the area more people focused.

The website reads: “Like many other towns across the country, Warrington town centre has faced a number of challenges such as a move to online shopping.

A propose view of the Legh Street junctionA proposed view of the Legh Street junction (Image: WBC)“Despite this, there is a good variety of shops, restaurants and services on offer, and the successful Time Square and Warrington Market development is bringing more people into the town centre.

“We need to build on this success to help make the town centre a vibrant and attractive space and a place for our residents and businesses to be proud of.”

Residents can have their say on the scheme, with the consultation being open until December 13.

In-person consultation events will be held at Golden Square shopping centre near Next on November 21 from 3pm to 7pm and on November 23 from 8am to 2pm.

Or a survey can be filled out here: