A NEW survey has been launched, seeking people’s views on pharmacy services in Warrington.

People are being asked to share their experiences of pharmacies to help improve services now and in the future.

By completing the survey, people can ensure that pharmacy services provide the right offer and support for them and their families.

The responses will help Warrington’s Health and Wellbeing Board produce its local Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA).

This PNA will be used to assess the current pharmaceutical services and aid in making improvements.

The survey is anonymous and will take about 15 minutes to complete.

Warrington Borough Council’s cabinet member for health, wellbeing, and social care, councillor Maureen McLaughlin said: "Pharmacies play a vital role in health and wellbeing across our communities.

"They are a valuable resource for our residents, particularly our most vulnerable, and are often where people turn to first when they have a health concern.

"That’s why it’s important that we listen to the views of local people, so we can find out what they like and what they think could be improved, and how well pharmacies in Warrington are meeting their needs.

"Please complete our survey and have your say on your local pharmacy.

"All views will be taken on board and will support our work to deliver services which better meet the needs of everyone."

A paper version of the survey is available by calling 443860 (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday between 9.30am and 4pm), or emailing PHKI@warrington.gov.uk and providing your name and postal address.

If you need help to complete the survey, please contact Healthwatch Warrington at contact@healthwatchwarrington.co.uk or call 246893.

The survey will be open until December 31.