A BELOVED dad-of-two from Orford died as a result of injuries after a quad biking accident in Turkey, a court heard.

The inquest into the death of Wesley Atherton was heard on Wednesday morning at Warrington Coroner’s Court.

He flew out to Turkey for a summer holiday in May, where he went on a quad biking trip.

After an accident, the 36-year-old came off the bike and suffered multiple injuries.

He was taken to hospital in Ortaca, where he was admitted to the intensive care unit.

His family flew out to be at his bedside while he was treated for brain damage and were told he would have a ‘long path to recovery’.

Sadly, Mr Atherton died on May 14 in Dalaman Hospital.

“I lost the other half of me, and my daughters lost their amazing father,” read a post shared by Wes’ partner.

"I would be typing forever trying to put into words how much we love you and already miss you and how much you mean to us.

“You are our world Wes, and life will never be the same."

Senior coroner for Cheshire, Jacqueline Devonish, told Warrington Coroners’ Court that Mr Atherton died because of his head injuries, which he sustained after he collided with a pillar.

The medical cause of death was noted as an intercranial haemorrhage as a result of a head injury.

Ms Devonish concluded that Mr Atherton’s death was therefore caused by a road traffic collision.

“All that remains for me to do is extend condolences to the family,” she said.