THE councillor who revealed the controversial proposed location for a traveller transit site in the town has welcomed a decision to axe plans.

But Cllr Neil Johnson has slammed Warrington Borough Council for ‘selfish bravado’, and for wasting £25,000 worth of taxpayer money on the scheme.

On Thursday, October 10, he resigned from the Labour party to stand as an independent over ‘secret’ plans to establish a traveller transit site at the former Kenyon Lane Nurseries site near Croft.

Cllr Johnson, a borough and parish councillor for Culcheth, Glazebury and Croft, issued a statement breaking the news and confirming his intention to fight the scheme.

However, the council’s cabinet approved in principle the acquisition of the site at a meeting the following Monday.

In another twist on Wednesday, the owners of a vital access road leading to the site said they ‘vigorously oppose’ the council’s plans.

Yesterday, Monday, Warrington Borough Council issued a statement on its decision to end the bid, but it has reaffirmed its commitment to finding a suitable site.

In response, Cllr Johnson said: “I am pleased that Warrington Borough Council has finally listened to the residents of Culcheth, Glazebury and Croft and withdrawn its ridiculous plan for a gypsy traveller transit site on Kenyon Lane.

“This is a victory for our whole community. The voices of local people have been heard because we banded together and refused to be steamrollered. However, this decision could have been made a lot sooner.

“It was obvious that a transit site could never be built at this location because of issues with access, narrow roads, suitability of nearby services, and a host of other reasons.

“Instead of withdrawing this nonsense sooner, Warrington Council engaged in a selfish act of bravado by trying to struggle on.

“As a result, Labour councillors have cost the taxpayers of Warrington £25,000.

A transit site was proposed at the site near Croft. Picture: Zoopla

A transit site was proposed at the site near Croft. Picture: Zoopla

“They should pay this money back from their own hopeless pockets, or have it deducted from their allowances. Why should we fund their incompetence?

“I would like to thank all the residents who worked with me on my campaign against the transit site. I do not regret revealing the secret location for one minute. The people had a right to know.”

Cllr Johnson says he met with dozens of people in Culcheth and Croft about the issue over the last couple of weeks, working together on alternatives and building a business case against the Kenyon Lane site.

“I have been proud and pleased to put residents front and centre of everything I do. Together, we have triumphed.

“All of this has been achieved without any input from my fellow ward councillors or the local MP.

“They shamelessly abandoned the people of Culcheth, Glazebury and Croft in their hour of need and we will never forget that.

“If they had any good grace or integrity left, they would both resign.

“Finally, I turn to the council's claim that it has withdrawn the plans because of bad press and social media comments.

“What rubbish. It has had to withdraw them because the community came together and worked with the landowners to prevent their sale.

“Councils do not make decisions because of things people write on Facebook.

“If councillors and officers cannot handle a bit of criticism and scrutiny, then they should not put forward ridiculous proposals in the first place.

“I am looking forward to continuing to work for the good of my community, shoulder to shoulder with people as their independent voice for Culcheth, Glazebury and Croft.”