POLICE are urging people in Warrington to keep their wits about them following a rise in a certain type of crime.

Cheshire Police says it is reminding Warrington residents to remain vigilant following recent reports of distraction thefts in the town.

Over the past few weeks, officers in Warrington have received several reports of distraction thefts at banks and building societies.

Incidents have involved members of the public withdrawing large amounts of cash, which unbeknownst to them has been observed by thieves who then follow them.

An example recently, which has since been featured on Crimewatch, saw a victim approached by two people, one of whom engaged them in conversation while the other took their money.

Officers have also heard that victims have been approached and told they had something on their clothing that should not be there.

While the innocent victim has been searching for it, their money has been taken.

Cheshire Police says it is keen to remind the public to be vigilant, and to take steps to keep them safe from thieves.

PC Graham Davies, of Warrington policing unit, said: “As we move into the latter half of the years and Christmas being not too far away, many of us may be withdrawing large amounts of cash.

“I would urge anyone planning to do so to please remember to be vigilant and to take care.

“This really can happen to anyone, anywhere, and thieves can have very sophisticated ways of distracting you before stealing your belongings.

“Some people may not even realise it has happened to them until much later.

“If you are approached by anyone you do not know, you feel like you are being followed or feel that you have been the victim of a distraction theft, report it straight away to a neighbourhood officer, or call us on 101.”

There are some simple precautions residents can take to deter opportunistic thieves, including carrying your purse in a zipped-up bag, kept close to you and where you can see it.

Never leave your bag in a shopping trolley or basket and avoid withdrawing large amounts of money if it is not necessary.

Moreover, be aware of people around you, following you or getting too close to you and your belongings.

Anyone who sees someone acting suspiciously around others, or has any information about incidents of this nature, is asked to call Cheshire Police on 101.

Information can also be reported anonymously by calling Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.