AN employee has been sentenced by the courts over the theft of medication at Warrington Hospital.

Niamh Martin was recently brought before the courts over her actions while working at the Lovely Lane site.

The 27-year-old appeared in the dock after being charged with two counts of theft by an employee.

She was convicted of both counts when she appeared recently before Warrington Magistrates’ Court, with magistrates proceeding to pass sentence.

Kassem Noureddine, prosecuting, explained how the offences occurred on September 7 and September 10 this year.

While at Warrington Hospital in her role as an employee, Martin helped herself to quantities of prescription drugs, the value and name of which was not given on court documents.

Magistrates deemed the offences serious enough to be dealt with by way of a penalty in the community.

Martin, of Lunar Drive in Netherton, was sentenced to a 12-month community order, including 15 rehabilitation activity requirement days and 100 hours of unpaid community work.

She must also pay costs to the Crown Prosecution Service of £85 and a surcharge of £114, with an application approved for the funds to be deducted from her benefits.