THE former leader of Warrington Conservative councillors has issued a statement regarding council comments over a proposed traveller transit site.

On Thursday, it was revealed that Warrington Borough Council had found a site it believes is suitable.

Such a site has been long sought after for around a decade in Warrington, but the council said it could not find a suitable location, until now.

Cllr Neil Johnson, a Labour borough and parish councillor who represents Culcheth, Glazebury and Croft, issued a statement in which he said he was ‘stunned’ to learn of plans to build a transit site on land on Kenyon Lane in Culcheth.

This is reported to be the former Kenyon Lane Nurseries site, which is currently listed for sale for £800,000.

In protest over the ‘secret plan’ which he branded ‘shady skulduggery’, Cllr Johnson resigned from the Labour party to stand as an independent, and promised to fight the plans.

On Friday, Liberal Democrat councillor Judith Wheeler issued a statement commenting that Cllr Johnson’s actions could lead to a ’10-year setback’ and ‘undo the considerable work put in’.

Now, former leader of the Warrington Conservative councillors group, Nigel Balding, has issued a statement, in which he says that while the council says Cllr Johnson’s statement was a breach of confidentiality, WBC’s own statement ‘seems to have breached terms of the task group too’.

“The WBC spokesman disclosed that Cllr Johnson did not attend an important task group meeting on August 20, which is surprising considering that meeting agendas, minutes and attendances have never previously been published,” he said.

“Another twist to the story came in a statement on Friday from Liberal Democrat Cllr Judith Wheeler, who is also a member of the task group.

“She strongly criticised the leak of information which she says may have put finding a traveller transit site for Warrington at risk.

Cllr Neil Johnson and former Tory councillor Nigel Balding

Cllr Neil Johnson and former Tory councillor Nigel Balding

“This statement must give hope to residents who are opposed to the Kenyon site proposal, as it contradicts the statement from the ex-Labour Cllr Johnson, who said in his press release that he was told that this was a ‘done deal’.

“Residents will no doubt be curious to know how secure this deal is for the Kenyon site, and whether WBC has yet exchanged contracts for the land.”

Mr Balding went on to say: “Over the many years that this cabinet task group has been constituted, its confidentially has always been respected by Conservative councillors.

“In the past, the only details published have been the names of councillors on the task group, and occasionally the dates of the meetings after they had been held.

“I can understand why Cllr Johnson is no longer part of the Labour group. A leak of commercially sensitive information, given in strict confidence, is a very serious breach of trust.

“Most Warrington councillors recognise that a WBC traveller transit site is in the interests of all residents, as well as a statutory requirement for all local authorities, even if any particular scheme is likely to be opposed.

“WBC councillor groups all have their own procedures to handle inappropriate behaviour, and in this case, it was for the Labour group to act, and other councillors and the public to comment if required.

“However, WBC’s response seems like a fit of pique, and another venture into politics by unelected officials which should be avoided at all costs.

“Publishing details of just one councillor’s attendance record to undermine them is appalling. Just as bad is publishing the confidential votes of task group members.

“These are bullying tactics, and it makes it more difficult for councillors to put their heads above the parapet and speak up if they disagree with WBC officers.

“Councillors should now be demanding that WBC apologises for its statement, which probably breaches the council’s own code of conduct.”