WARRINGTON South Labour MP Sarah Hall shares her views in this week’s column.

An issue that has always been close to my heart is the challenges faced by children in classrooms across Warrington South.

As a parent of young children myself I can see the effect that the pandemic and the ongoing cost of living crisis has had on young people in our schools.

It’s imperative that we act now, to take steps to understand children’s social, emotional and mental health needs and provide our educators and teachers with the tools they need to meet their needs.

We must create a more inclusive education system that provides all young people the opportunities and the ability to thrive.

Without a more inclusive system we face the risk that some children will fall behind and not realise their full potential.

Sadly, for many young people there is a postcode lottery, with some areas having a more established inclusive environment for education and others fighting for recognition.

I want an education system where each child’s needs are taken into account and that they are all able to participate and achieve together.

Every young person has unique characteristics, interests, abilities and learning needs and there must be a special focus on those learners who may be at risk of marginalisation, exclusion or underachievement.

A few weeks ago, I spoke at the annual Labour Party conference, raising the importance of an inclusive education system.

That is where I announced I will be setting up a new All Party Parliamentary Group on Inclusivity, the group will focus on how best to support children and young people during their education giving young people and their educators the tools they need to excel.

Speaking to constituents over the last three months has highlighted this as a crucial need. Many parents feel their children’s social, emotional and mental health needs aren’t featuring enough in their education.

I will continue to do all I can to stand up for these families to ensure they are able to reach and achieve their full potential.

As ever, if constituents from Warrington South would like to get in touch, request a visit or arrange a surgery they can do so by contacting sarah.hall.mp@parliament.uk.