A SERIAL flasher who has exposed himself a dozen times is back behind bars after reoffending twice within days.

Andrew Fearnley-Hill has repeatedly been brought before the courts after being caught in an indecent manner in Warrington.

The 54-year-old flashed people twice within days over the summer, leading to him being charged with two counts of exposure, to which he pleaded guilty.

He was due to be sentenced at Crewe Magistrates’ Court recently, but he refused to enter the courtroom from the cells.

Representations were made by his solicitor for magistrates to consider adjourning the hearing to another date, but this plea was refused, and the sentencing continued.

The first exposure incident occurred on August 2 this year in Bewsey, the court heard from Katie Johnson, prosecuting.

Fearnley-Hill exposed his genitals to a person, intending that they would see them and be caused alarm or distress.

Five days later on August 7, he flashed his genitals again to a person, this time in the Latchford area.

The court heard of the defendant’s appalling criminal record, which demonstrates a history of sexual offending, with a long list of previous convictions for being naked in public.

Fearnley-Hill was previously jailed for 12 months in August 2022 after being caught fully naked, with his pants and underwear on the floor beside him, while holding his genitals at a bus stop on Folly Lane on his birthday.

A previous policemugshot released of Andrew Fearnley-Hill

A previous police mugshot released of Andrew Fearnley-Hill

One police officer, who spotted him on one of Warrington’s busiest roads, commented that the defendant appeared to be performing a sex act on himself.

After approaching him, officers remarked that he appeared to be under the influence of alcohol, was slurring his words and had empty beer cans beside him.

During the 2022 hearing at Liverpool Crown Court, it was said that the defendant had 17 previous convictions for 26 offences, 11 of which were sex offences, including 10 for either exposure or outraging public decency, and one for sexual assault.

Among his previous convictions are incidents of approaching lone females while naked and holding his penis.

Before jailing him, judge Gary Woodhall branded him a ‘serial offender for exposing in public’, and told him that if he continues to reoffend, he will ‘simply keep receiving prison sentences’.

That is exactly what magistrates imposed for his latest offending, due to the severity of his actions and his ‘flagrant disregard for people and their property’.

Magistrates also highlighted his previous record of offending, and despite him co-operating with the Probation Service to prepare a pre-sentence report, it was commented that his refusal to leave the cells limited the sentencing options available.

Fearnley-Hill, of no fixed abode, but of Warrington, was sentenced to 40 weeks of immediate imprisonment and ordered to sign the sex offender register for the next 10 years.

No orders were made for court costs or a surcharge, with the court instead prioritising compensation of £100 for each of the offences.