A THELWALL beautician has celebrated 30 years of business after starting when she was just a teenager.

Louise Sutherland first started her business at just 19, when the beauticians she worked at was closing down.

Instead of being made redundant, she decided to take a leap of faith and start her own company called Inches Studio.

So, after qualifying for the Warrington Business Enterprise scheme, Louise began attending bookkeeping classes to learn how to get her idea off of the ground.

With the help of her supportive parents, Louise managed to buy a shop in Thelwall on Barley Road that had become available.

“I was very very fortunate to have fabulous parents that enabled me to do that,” she said.

“My dad took loans out and I paid him and he paid the loans, so I was fortunate to have a supportive family to enable me to live my dream.”

Within 10 years, Louise had seen such success that she managed to expand by purchasing the shop next door, making the studio twice as big.

Now, she is celebrating 30 years of incredible success with her team and customers, who she says have been a key part of the company’s success.

“I have got the most amazing staff, and it has been such a privilege over the 30 years because we have such lovely ladies that have been coming in over the years,” she said.

“It’s all down to them really, and the staff because without them I wouldn’t have a business. They’ve all just been so lovely.”

To celebrate 30 incredible years of business, Inches Studio was decorated from head to toe and customers could purchase £5 raffle tickets to help raise money for Alzheimer's Society.

“I have got the best job in the world really because all we are doing is making people feel lovely,” said Louise.

“I always say to the girls that if the ladies leave feeling better than when they came in then we’ve done our job right.

“I consider myself to be extremely lucky to be in a job that I love for so many years and will continue to do for years to come.”