A NEW bypass over Bridge Foot to tackle congestion could still be built – but the council has highlighted ‘uncertainty’ over whether it will proceed with the scheme.

The proposed scheme was revealed in 2019, with land safeguarded to protect the potential route.

The Centre Park link road has been built, which the council says has reduced the stress on Bridge Foot.

But the route through the town centre remains heavily congested, especially at rush hour.

The council has been asked if it is hoping to build a Bridge Foot bypass.

In response, a spokesman said: “While the construction of the Centre Park link has provided significant relief to Bridge Foot and reduced traffic on Chester Road, it does not provide all of the transport network improvements outlined as part of the proposed Bridge Foot link.

“An upcoming review of the Bridge Foot link was included in our Local Transport Plan (LTP4), which was approved in December 2019.

“This review has not yet started, due to the uncertainty around the detail and timing of the delivery of a low-level station at Warrington Bank Quay as part of the proposed Northern Powerhouse Rail (NPR) line. Including Warrington Bank Quay station as one of the rail stops on the line would require significant changes to highway and transport access in the area, including Bridge Foot.

“This means it is currently uncertain whether we will proceed with the bypass as outlined in the LTP4, as the bypass may be included as part of the infrastructure requirements for NPR, either in whole or in part.

“We continue to lobby the new Government alongside other north west authorities to ensure these NPR plans are taken forward to delivery, and we plan to review the Bridge Foot link as part any NPR related development work in the coming years.”