THIS week in Looking Back we can shine the light on a long departed picture house.

The Premier Cinema in Latchford had room for more than 400 people and was open for almost four decades.

One reader wrote in with his memories of the luxury he remembers from the venue.

He added: “With regards to your feature on Warrington cinemas I’d like to say that the Premier at Powell Street wasn’t far behind the Empire for luxury.

“In the 1930’s St Augustine’s held their services there before the church was built.

“My memories growing up in the late 1940s and early 1950s was attending the Premier quite often.

“When cowboy films were shown we would come out and re-enact what we had seen.

“Running across Thelwall Lane and into the field slapping our backsides as horses. (The field is now the site of Lidl).

“When we reached 14 we were allowed into the Premier at night time, but when there was an A film on we would wait in Powell Street for couples to come along.

“We would ask them to take us in with them, we’d give them our entry money.

“Once in the cinema we would sit with the couple for a few minutes before moving to seats on our own.

“Sometimes we’d stay sat with the couple and were well looked after.

“This of course wouldn’t be possible today but growing up in the late 1940s early 1950s was great and I think were the best years.”

The Premier Cinema opened in the early 1920s. It had an 18 feet wide proscenium.

The Premier was closed in September 1959.

It was then used by a furniture removals firm.

n Do you have memories of a cinema in Warrington?

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