AN inspiring weightlifting enthusiast who was crowned British masters bikini champion at the age of 52 has been selected to represent her country for an international competition.

Jane Woodhead, originally from Appleton, discovered her love for body building a year ago and since then, with the help of her ‘amazing’ coach, she has been preparing to do ‘whatever its takes’ to achieve her dreams.

Working as a PR director in her day job, Jane maps her life around her training and eating to ensure she stays on track for her goal weight before competitions.

And currently she is working towards her greatest achievement yet, as she has been selected to be a part of team GB, competing in the WABBA International Mr and Mrs Universe contest in Venice.

Jane only got into body building a year agoJane only got into body building a year ago (Image: Supplied) A fitness fanatic, Jane will compete in the over 45s bikini category and has worked hard to shed kilos off her off-season weight of 62kg, to get down to her stage weight of 49kg, which she will now need to maintain until the competition in November.

Speaking on being chosen to compete for Great Britain, she said: “It was my dream after last year and winning the masters over 50 bikini British finals with UK Ultimate Physiques to qualify to represent my country and to be part of team GB, but I still couldn’t quite believe it when I was selected.

“I only took up body building a year ago. I love training and my personal trainer at the time asked me if I wanted to do a cut for a photoshoot – after that my trainer said, ‘I think you could go on the stage’. I was referred to The Natural Pro Coaching – and from my first session with head coach Emily Olivia – I just fell in love with it.

“I am quite hard on myself so I will constantly question if I am good enough, but Emily is really great with the mental side of things always ensuring I believe in myself and encouraging me to keep striving to improve and be the best version of myself.

"I just have to keep believing and digging deep - and at the same time I want to inspire other girls no matter what their age to chase their dreams, because if you focus you can achieve anything.”

At the end of last year, Jane, who is currently based in Wirral, was crowned British Bikini Champion in the over 50s category at the UK Ultimate Physiques British Championships.

She described how her coach has inspired her to be an athlete and supported her even at her most doubtful stages, encouraging her to get up on the stage and compete.

As well as keeping her on track 24/7 with her diet and work out sessions – and spending an entire Sunday morning on the phone to Jane when she wanted to quit, fearing she wasn’t good enough.

Jane sticks to a strict diet and training regime to maintain her weight ready for the competitionJane sticks to a strict diet and training regime to maintain her weight ready for the competition (Image: Supplied) Jane is currently doing five weight training sessions and several stairmaster sessions every week – pushing herself to the max.

“The physical side is of course challenging, but the mental battle is harder,” she added.

'I carry a portable mini fridge'

On the go with work and travelling across the country frequently for jobs, the 53-year-old will wake up at 4am to ensure she fits her work out in at a local gym near to wherever she is staying.

This is along with prepping every meal, carrying around a portable mini fridge to store the food in to ensure she never goes ‘off-plan’ and weighing out her food at service stations and on the road side. “If I am going to do something – I commit to it, otherwise what is the point?

"They say less than 1 per cent of the population can make it to the stage so I feel I should be proud of how far I have come in a year.”

She recently won British masters bikini champion She recently won British masters bikini champion (Image: Supplied) Jane will go before 10 to 12 judges from around the globe at the competition in November.

Highlighting what the achievement means to her, she said: “I want this so badly that I will do whatever it takes to do it.

"I just have to keep going and keep pushing and being the best version of myself – improving every day – but not forgetting how far I have come.

"This is the biggest honour in the world to be representing my country at the age of 53. 

"Age is just a number – my favourite saying is you are not your age – you are the energy you feel – so I reckon that makes me 22,” Jane joked.