TWO selfless students are attempting to raise more than £8,000 in order to complete a once in a lifetime trip to Kenya to help others.

Kodie Rampley and Ellie Mullaney met at primary school when they were just four and have been in the same classes since.

The pair, who now attend Great Sankey High School, are inseparable and do everything together, including playing football for two teams.

While at school, the 15-year-olds heard about an expedition to Kenya being organised by Camps International which would see the students fly to Africa next year.

Ellie and Kodie have been friends since they were fourEllie and Kodie have been friends since they were four (Image: Supplied)

The trip will take students to Kenya for four weeks where they will help build elephant deterrent fences, de-worm animals and embark on a safari adventure.

The adventure is set to be hard work, but the teens are determined to go and make a difference.

“For them to be doing this together is lovely, and it makes us parents feel proud of them both” said Lisa Mullaney, Ellie’s mum.

“They say they can’t wait to play football with the children in Kenya and hope to make a difference to their lives by helping their community with the different projects planned.

“They know how lucky and fortunate they have been throughout their lives, and they want to give something back.”

The teens attend Great Sankey High SchoolThe teens attend Great Sankey High School (Image: Supplied)

To be able to go, the teens need to pay £4,330 each to cover flights, accommodation and insurance.

“They know how much of an amazing opportunity this is and want to take some of the pressure off us as parents and fundraise the cost of the trip,” said Lisa.

“They have a long way to go and need all the help they can for this amazing opportunity.”

Raising the funds will be no easy feat, and the teens have big plans for how to fundraise the necessary £8,000.

Ellie and Kodie hope to raise more than £8,000 to go on the tripEllie and Kodie hope to raise more than £8,000 to go on the trip (Image: Supplied)

Next month, Ellie and Kodie will embark on a sponsored walk up Snowdon and in February they are planning to host a quiz night with raffle tickets and prizes.

So far, they have raised more than £500 on their GoFundMe page, which can be found here.

“This is going to be totally out of our comfort zone, but we are excited to be doing this together and helping those that need it,” said Ellie and Kodie.