A CARE home worker has raised more than £1,500 for charity.

Earlier this month, Amy Melia, divisions sales and marketing manager at Westvale House Care Home in Old Hall, completed a half marathon.

She took on the Great North Run and in doing so raised a whopping £1,550 for Barchester’s Charitable Foundation which supports older people and adults living with a disability or mental health problems.

Prior to the race, Amy, who has worked at the care facility for five years, embarked on a strict 20-week training regime with a personal trainer.

She has been weightlifting, hill running and interval training to ensure she made it over the finish line and raised as much as money as she could.

She said: This was my first time doing the Great North Run and I absolutely loved it, despite the wind and the rain on the day. 

“The atmosphere was fantastic and I am incredibly proud to have been one of the 60,000 runners who took part, I’m looking forward to my next challenge for the foundation now, I have really got the bug.

“My mum met me with a celebratory can of Holsten Pils which is a family thing, we lost my dad three years ago and no matter where we were going, my dad always had a Holsten Pils. 

“He was with me throughout the race, helping me through, so that can was for dad.”

To donate to Amy’s fundraising efforts, visit: https://ajbellgreatnorthrun2024.enthuse.com/pf/amy-melia