A CULCHETH resident has released his first book disclosing his travels and adventures across Poland via steam train.

Jeff Nicholls debut novel, Steaming Through Wolsztyn, promises to take its readers on a journey which spans across nearly 5,000 miles, as the author details his multiple journeys driving and riding steam trains through Polish towns and countryside.

The retired teacher made his first visit to Poland back in 2002 when he signed up to The Wolsztyn Experience for a week – an opportunity for train enthusiasts to ‘support and promote the last days of main line steam in Poland’.

“Returning year after year, I worked side by side with Polish crews, learning the essential skills of firing and maintaining their beloved engines,” Jeff explained.

“My interest took me there no less than a dozen times, during which I rode and drove almost five thousand miles, mainly on steam engines but also on diesel and electric, as well as travelling on some special trains.”

The book describes the many unbelievable things which happened to the author, some a little bit scary and many hilarious.

During his many adventures he was allowed to drive steam, diesel and electric trains on Polish main lines, carrying real, paying passengers - not something which can be done in the UK, or almost anywhere else.

After retiring as a teacher at Twiss Green School in Culcheth in 2006, Jeff decided to put pen to paper and write about his travels, in his first book which was released last Thursday (September 19).

The new author also attended a book signing at a local bookstore Forget-Me-Not Bookshop in Culcheth on the day of the release.

If you want to purchase a copy, it is available through many book sellers including Amazon and Waterstones.