THREE new companies have joined Sci-Tech Daresbury's cohort of Gold Partners.

Lloyds Bank, Bouygues, and Konsileo have become strategic partners at the campus.

They will now have access to more than 150 start-ups, scale-ups, and global companies.

The Gold Partners programme provides support in areas such as intellectual property, scientific research, AI and digital solutions, technology commercialisation, laboratory and engineering infrastructure, insurance, finance and taxation, legal, and marketing.

The programme has proved successful, with businesses at Sci-Tech Daresbury achieving an average sales growth rate of 25 per cent per year.

John Leake, business growth director at Sci-Tech Daresbury, said: "In any enterprise where innovation is highly prized and companies are operating in very dynamic markets, the right expert advice and support at key moments can prove to be invaluable and make the difference between achieving objectives or failure.

"There is no substitute for good advice and our Gold Partnership programme has become a cornerstone of success for the businesses here, helping them unlock opportunity and avoid pitfalls through fast tracking answers, sharing insight.

"We of course welcome and celebrate the arrival of our three new Gold Partners for the start of this year’s programme, which will enhance the mentoring we already make available.

"Our campus companies have fed back that access to the Gold Partners has been key to driving profits, boosting innovation, and improving staff retention."

The Gold Partners help with essential parts of the process, including securing funding, protecting intellectual property, and offering advice on legal, financial, and business matters.

The three new partners join a group of valued and trusted partners, including David Antrobus Marketing, IBM, Marks & Clerk, RTC North, Slater Heelis, University of Liverpool, Grant Thornton, and Asset Lifecycle Solutions.