AN inquest has been opened into the death of a 75-year-old Warrington man due to ‘safeguarding concerns’.

John Davies, from Dallam, sadly died on August 27 of this year following a call to a care centre in which he claimed he was feeling unwell.

This call was received by the care centre but no action was taken, Cheshire Coroner’s Court was told.

Later that day, Mr Davies’ family attended his address but they could not gain entry. As a result, emergency services were called and firefighters gained entry.

Here, they sadly found Mr Davies was deceased.

On Wednesday, area coroner for Cheshire Victoria Davies formally opened an inquest into the death of Mr Davies.

Ms Davies said this was due to there being ‘safeguarding concerns’ over the ‘call not being actioned’.

An inquest date was set for February 18 this year.