Steven Broomhead is chief executive of Warrington Borough Council and writes a regular column for the Warrington Guardian

There are two photographs at Bank Quay Station.

One of a Stanier Pacific Locomotion in 1964 and one of a Pendolino electric train in 2014.

What they have in common in the background shows that the station has had little change in terms of its appearance and presentation in 60 years.

This is a station that has had little investment over the years and is not a pleasing welcome to our town which has such positive economic and community vitality.

At least you can always expect a cheerful welcome and help from the team at Bank Quay that provide a great customer experience.

Thankfully this will change with the establishment of a new Liverpool to Manchester railway line (Northern Powerhouse Rail), the creation of an interchange station at the old Arpley Station Site and the creation of a new economic investment growth zone.

The new zone will support not only regular and faster trains east/west but will also provide investment in an area that now needs a fresh start.

Within a few years the current industrial landscape of Crosfields and Lever Brothers will have disappeared to be replaced by new investment. Perhaps it could also be the site for our much needed new hospital?

To deliver all this we need leadership to regenerate the area, focus on a partnership between the private and public sector and most importantly government support.

Early indications is that the government is giving this strong priority. It may also be an opportunity to showcase the Transporter Bridge which is a product of our industrial heritage.

Alongside the other investments taking place in public transport in our great town I am confident for better times for our local transport infrastructure and services.