A WARRINGTON primary school has received a golden accolade for its quality of geography teaching.

Bruche Primary struck gold by receiving a golden mark of approval from the Geographical Association. 

The Warrington Primary Academy Trust school has just learned that it has been awarded a gold quality mark from the organisation for the quality of teaching and learning in the subject.

Recognising the quality and progress in geography teaching, the Geography Quality Mark also highlights learning, curriculum development, and leadership.

Schools that receive the gold award have demonstrated that they can achieve high standards by integrating geography into their curriculum, said assistant headteacher Chris Gould.

“The Gold award level identifies not only that high-quality geography is happening but is embedded across the school and is shared more widely with the community. Collaboration within the staff was key to achieving this prestigious award,” he said.

The Geography Association is the subject association for teachers of geography. The organisation supports high-quality geography education by enabling teachers of geography around the country to share ideas and learn from each other.