AROUND 14.5 million vehicles have used the Centre Park link road since it fully opened to traffic in March 2021.

The £19.89 million river crossing, which aims to cut congestion in the town, gives motorists the option of skipping Bridge Foot.

As part of the scheme, a new bridge – across the River Mersey from Chester Road – was constructed.

Warrington Borough Council has confirmed that approximately 80,000 vehicles, on average, are using the link road each week.

Furthermore, it said approximately 14.5 million vehicles have used it since it fully opened to traffic in March 2021.

A council spokesman said: “Centre Park link is having a positive impact on town centre congestion, providing traffic relief to Chester Road, Wilderspool Causeway and Bridge Foot.

“We are seeing less traffic on the Chester Road approach to Brian Bevan Island, along with reduced traffic on the Wilson Patten Street eastbound approach to Bridge Foot.

“This has facilitated the reduction from three lanes to two, allowing toucan crossing facilities to be added, as part of the Chester Road cycle scheme.

“Our data shows that while traffic on Wilson Patten Street westbound from the Bridge Foot exit has also reduced, there is still some congestion, due to the fact two lanes of traffic merge into one at this point and the sheer weight of traffic wishing to use Wilson Patten Street as the shortest route to access the western part of the town.

“Centre Park link is also achieving its wider objectives in terms of traffic relief, network resilience, reduction of road incidents and providing an extra river crossing.

“In addition, the link has opened up brownfield land for the development of over 500 homes in an accessible, sustainable location close to the town centre and major transport hubs such as Bank Quay and Central train stations and the bus interchange.”