AN Orford resident has received a letter from Sir David Attenborough.

Sophie Luby is a self-taught wildlife photographer.

It all started after she spotted a woodpecker near to her home which led to her digging out an old camera.

From here, she began researching wildlife photography which then developed into a hobby.

Last August, two years after she started wildlife photography, Sophie went viral on social media after she shared an encounter with a kingfisher.

Millions of people have watched the moment the elusive bird landed on her head while she was at a kingfisher hide in Kirkcudbright.

Now, just over a year on this from, Sophie has received a letter from Sir David Attenborough himself.

She wrote to the 98-year-old to share the photographs of the kingfisher landing on her head.

She also asked him for advice on his favourite places in the world to see wildlife, as well as asking what his favourite animals are.

Sophie told the Warrington Guardian: “He replied saying his favourite places are Africa, the Galapagos and the Great Barrier Reef but these are very busy. It’s best to find somewhere I know well (and other people don’t).

“He wished me luck with future photography.”

Sophie said it was ‘amazing’ to receive a response from the iconic naturalist.

She added: “It is something I am going to cherish forever, I have already bought a frame to put it in.

“He is an incredible person, I look up to him so much.”

Over the last year, Sophie’s wildlife photography has continued to thrive.

Recently she has captured long-eared owls and she even managed to see a bittern – something which has been on her list ‘forever’.