AN inquest has opened into the death of a 'fantastic dad' who died after a tree fell onto his car while driving.

James Douglas Lowe, who lived in Warrington, died aged just 57 on August 20 while driving on a Cumbrian road.

His son Will, who was a passenger in the car, previously issued a touching tribute to his dad, who was the founder and owner of Winedown bar in Preston.

Mr Lowe's car was hit by a tree along the southbound carriageway of the A683 at Brantwood, Cautley, between Kirkby Stephen and Sedbergh.

Kirsty Gomersal, area coroner for Cumbria, heard Mr Lowe, who was born in County Durham, saw the tree falling onto the road.

However, he was 'unable to avoid the collision', and there was an 'impact between the car and the tree'.

Mr Lowe was confirmed dead at 6.10pm on August 20, with Coroner Gomersal giving a cause of death of a compound fracture of the skull caused by a fallen tree.

A provisional date for an inquest hearing was set for January 21 next year.

Paying tribute to his dad, Will said: “My love of wine and spirits and my knowledge of drinks and hospitality have all grown out of time spent with dad and working at Winedown.

“They are memories that made me, and that I shall always hold dear.

"I will never forget those countless hours in the bar surrounded by a close-knit set of truly wonderful customers."