We took readers on a trip down memory lane after sharing a photograph of the old Odeon in Warrington town centre.

It closed 30 years ago and the final film shown was action thriller Speed.

More than 100 readers have shared their memories of the venue.

The Odeon was my first job. Worked part time while at college, 1984-1987. Loved it. Great friends and great memories.

Lynn Travis

My dad let me bunk off school to go see Watership Down at the Odeon and traumatised me for the next few years.

Caron Williams

I loved going there. Used to go to the Saturday morning kids club. But also have fond memories of watching movies such as Herbie Rides Again, Close Encounters, The Witches of Eastwick, E.T.

Pauline Dever

We took our son to his first film there, The Flintstones. We were upstairs at the front row of the balcony and he stood up the whole time, he loved it so much. He would have been four - he's 34 this year.

Kath Potts

I’ve heard a lot about the Odeon. I moved to Warrington in 2015, long after it closed. It would have been interesting to experience it.

Vicky Louise Bloor

The last film we watched there was the Krays.

Julie Dagley

Loved it. Went Saturday club as a kid then went see films all the time until it closed. Loved the smell of it and it was a beautiful building. Can’t believe it was knocked down for a pub.

Julie Hampton Bennett

Saturday morning, loved it, dancing at the front during the intervals. My brother Vic hated the dancing, but he did dance with me.

Shirley Moss

I went to the Odeon loads and I was there for the final showing of Speed. Happy times.

Anne Barton

I used to go to a Saturday club at the cinema with my cousin. He asked me to look after his coat one week while he went for an ice cream. I didn't know he had marbles in his pocket. They all rolled to the front as the stalls were on a slope. He wasn’t best pleased with me that day. Great memories.

Wire Ali

I remember this café part of the cinema (that is pictured) opening in the last years of the cinema. I remember the three screens and I think when I first went, it was just the one large screen which remained when the other two smaller screens were introduced. I remember once or twice we left the cinema by an exit that came out right by Greggs Bakers which was next door on the end. I think that the last film I saw there was Carry on Columbus which was bloody awful.

James Thomason