Cardinal Newman’s success is a result of the care, compassion and commitment that staff and students show on a daily basis. Deputy Headteacher Helen Pinnington said ‘our young people have really excelled this year. They have achieved the best results the school has ever had and, more importantly, have been able to go onto the college courses and apprenticeships they hoped for.  This is because we combine our rigorous curriculum and high standards with putting our values of Service, Compassion, Forgiveness and Truth into action every single day.’ 

It is not only in the examination hall that Cardinal Newman students have had success.  On the Sports pitch, the new facilities continue to inspire students to participate and compete. Town trophies have been won in basketball and rugby league with Head of PE Paul McKean confident that the newly re-laid grass pitches will only boost the school’s sporting success. 

‘We were delighted when the artificial pitch opened last year’ said Paul, ‘but to now add improved grass pitch facilities to our existing offer will only inspire our young people further.  We are really grateful to Warrington Borough Council, who have supported us with much of this work.’  

(Image: Cardinal Newman Catholic High School)

Sport is just one of the wealth of enrichment opportunities open to students at Cardinal Newman, which are all designed to give students the confidence to step out of their comfort zone and discover what they can truly achieve. Year 9 participate annually in the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award programme, with one of this year’s teams smashing the course record on their expedition. In the arts, too, Cardinal Newman students learn to step forward and volunteer. 

A number of students have achieved professional acting success this year, including Coronation Street and an upcoming Netflix Drama, yet to be released as well as the Dance team starring on the stage of the Liverpool Empire.  Leadership opportunities at the school are numerous with Head Students, Prefects, Chaplaincy, Librarian and Sports Leadership teams, as well as the school council, enabling students to have a real say in how their school is run. 

(Image: Cardinal Newman Catholic High School)

All of this confidence building begins with the excellent relationships the school has with its primary schools and the way in which the schools work together to support their young people from the day they first start school. Sam McWilliams, Head of Year 7, had a key role in leading the transition process and the summer school - an annual Cardinal Newman event to ensure that new Year 6 students feel confident and supported making the transition to high school. 

‘We provide as many additional opportunities as we can for our new Year 7 to get to know one another, and our staff.  Summer school is just one of the ways that they can learn their way around the site, make new friends and get to know our staff so that the first day doesn’t seem quite so daunting and they can get off to a flying start!’ 

This year, Cardinal Newman and St. Augustine’s are working together particularly closely with Jo Langstaff acting as Executive Headteacher, whilst David Bentley is Head of School for St. Augustine’s. 

(Image: Cardinal Newman Catholic High School)

‘This is a brilliant opportunity for our two schools’ said David.  ‘It means that our primary students have access to the wider resources and opportunities of our high school, whilst we can make sure that our high school colleagues really get to know our young people before they join them.’ 

‘We’re very lucky to have excellent feeder primary schools,’ added  Jo , ‘and this partnership will help us make sure we build on the really strong academic foundation that St. Augustine’s give their children.  We can also continue to develop them as caring, compassionate and well rounded young people – something St. Augustine’s excels at.’ 

Both schools welcome applications from children regardless of faith background, and would warmly invite prospective pupils and parents to visit. 

Cardinal Newman’s Open Evening is on Thursday 19th September from 5 – 7.30pm. 

Both schools offer open morning tours.  Cardinal Newman on Friday 27th September, Friday 4th September and Friday 11th October at 10am.  St. Augustine’s offer Open Morning tours on Tuesday 24th September and 8th October at 9.30am.

Contact Mrs Halliwell to reserve your place at