A TIKTOKER has slammed Creamfields for a number of reasons, including the fact that its workers were slashing tents at the end of the festival.

The video, by @backpacker_billie, has attracted more than 260,000 views.

A voice over opens the video stating: “I worked seven festivals over summer this year and I think Creamfields is the worst, and I’ll show you why.”

The TikToker says that one of the reasons it is the worst is because of the rubbish left at the Daresbury site.

“I know a lot of British festivals are like this, it is not just Creamfields, but this was particularly bad,” the woman said.

She said she decided to use the rubbish element to her advantage and tried to take some tents home for her friends.

However, she said she couldn’t do this due to Creamfields staff going around and ‘slashing up’ perfectly good tents.

“Unfortunately I couldn’t grab the ones I wanted because Creamfields has actually hired people to go around slashing up tents with knives, like perfectly good tents,” she said.

The content creator claims that the workers told her this was to stop other people from taking them.

She added: “They had loads of other excuses like its health and safety and we need to make sure everyone is out of their tent before the bulldozers come in.

“You’re saying to me that you have hired people to walk around with knives for health and safety reasons? Like come again?

“Creamfields come on, get it together. It is 2024.

“There are homeless people out there, the cost of living crisis.

“Get with it, donate them, do something.”

Another reason the content creator said she ‘hates’ Creamfields, is related to food being thrown away.

She said: “At the end of every festival I love to go tatting so just go collecting like all the free food, drinks, all sorts, clothes, anything you can think of.

“And it kind of annoyed me because again I do this at the end of every festival and Creamfields staff kept stopping me and being like ‘what are you doing, you can’t do that’.

And it’s like what do you mean I can’t take free food that’s going to be chucked in the bin? What’s wrong with you?

“Creamfields has rubbed me up the wrong way, I’m coming for you, I am actually coming for you.”

The video includes more reasons as to why the woman thinks that Creamfields is the worst, such as it being sponsored by Shein, a company which she says uses child labour. And the fights there as she said a man spat in her face while she was raving.

The video has received a mixed reaction, with some people disagreeing with the TikToker’s opinion, and some sharing similar experiences.