A 23-YEAR-old man is hoping to find a kidney donor.

Following a 21-week ultrasound scan, Luke Foster’s parents were informed that he had chronic kidney disease.

He was born with one kidney – a dysplastic kidney, meaning ‘it will never be fully functional and healthy’.

From just three months old, Luke has been in and out of hospital where he has undergone multiple tests and scans.

Luke’s family, who are from Lowton, were told he would only require a transplant when he was aged between 10 and 15 years old.

When he was 13, his kidney function dropped to nine per cent which led to his first transplant.

His parents were tested and his dad was a match.

Luke received the transplant, and from here, his life changed. He said how this gave him another chance at life. After his recovery, he was able to get back to doing the things that he enjoyed.

Last year, aged 22, Luke was told he would need another transplant due to the deterioration of his kidney.

He began his dialysis journey in October 2023. The treatment consists of four-hour blocks three days a week, leaving Luke feeling exhausted.

Luke received a date for his transplant which was November 3 last year. But unfortunately this had to be cancelled due to him catching Covid.

(Image: Supplied)

The transplant day was then changed to December 22. But this had to be cancelled again due to Luke being admitted into critical care with pneumonia.

The date was rescheduled to February 3 of this year but just a few days prior to the procedure, Luke suffered a serious stroke due to high blood pressure.

He was hospitalised for six weeks following this and had to re-learn how to walk, talk and perform daily tasks.

Luke still struggles with some things following the stroke, but he has made ‘so much progress’ and he received a new transplant date of September 27.

But he recently received he news that the transplant will no longer be going ahead.

As a result, Luke has found himself in need of a kidney donor.

His blood type is O+ and anyone who is willing to get tested and donate a kidney can contact Luke’s donor nurses at Salford Royal Hospital on Claire.pitchford@nca.nhs.uk or Tracey.collins@nca.nhs.uk.

As well as hoping to find a donor, Luke and his family are also hoping to raise awareness of kidney problems. Whether this be from spreading awareness of how difficult going through dialysis can be, as well as the process of leading up to a transplant.