THE latest development in a five-year planning row over a series of bungalows has been confirmed.

Fresh plans have been drawn up and sent to Warrington Borough Council for the erection of five detached, two-bedroom homes.

The submission includes a new access point, as well as associated parking and private garden provisions.

Applicant The Egerton Trust has been in a long-running planning saga with the council over land to the rear of numbers 57 to 91 Orford Road.

In summer 2019, proposals for five detached, three-bedroom homes were pulled by the developer after opposition from residents.

Then in July the following year, the council approved the construction of a bungalow on the land, despite more than a dozen objections.

Revised plans for five two-bedroom bungalows were then lodged, before being withdrawn in March 2021 amid concerns from neighbours and the Environment Agency over the area being a flood plain.

More plans were refused in October last year, with an appeal also dismissed in April this year, but now, these latest plans have been drawn up.

Planning documents state: “This application also follows on from a further refused planning application for five bungalows.

An impression of how the bungalows could look if plans are approved

An impression of how the bungalows could look if plans are approved

“As part of that application, an objection was made at committee over concerns if the proposal would provide acceptable living conditions for future occupiers, with particular regard to the provision of external space, and would it provide safe and suitable access for all occupiers.

“The resultant appeal concluded the access arrangements were considered acceptable, however the garden provision was not sufficiently usable for future occupants.

“This application now overcomes this shortcoming, with the provision of private gardens to the rear, providing space for rotary dryers, outdoor dining, bike storage and children’s play areas.”

Other new features include a level front entrance, with internal steps sheltered from the weather and space provided for an optional stair lift or through lift.

There are also ‘rain gardens’ book-ending the new street, with tree planting, animal boxes and soft landscaping to increase biodiversity and reduce surface water run-off.

The applicant states: “Overall, it is considered that the proposed development represents a modest proposal in terms of scale.

“Yet a high-quality one of considered and careful design that maintains the highest degree of amenity for both the new residents of the development, as well as for the immediate residential context of the site.

“In light of the above, we consider the proposals to be both readily deliverable and desirable for Warrington Borough Council.

“On this basis, we respectfully request that the council considers this application at the earliest convenience, and recommend the proposals for approval without delay.”