WARRINGTON town centre’s summer programme of events led to ‘record breaking’ levels of footfall, it has been confirmed.

Some of the activities in the town centre, particularly around Time Square, saw year-on-year increases in visitor numbers over 100 per cent.

In fact, one day this summer saw 191 per cent more people visit the town centre than that day the previous year.

The news was revealed in a document prepared by Warrington Borough Council before this month’s cabinet meeting.

It read: “April was a relatively quieter month for events in Warrington town centre due to Easter weekend falling in late March.

“May and June were extremely busy months for the town centre, and for Time Square in particular.

“Warrington Market footfall counters indicate there have been significant footfall increases compared with last year on specific event days, ranging from more than five per cent, and in some cases more than 190 per cent.”

In May, Time Square hosted the Young Traders’ Market, Warrington Music Festival and Proms in the Square, seeing significant increases in footfall in the market and across the town centre, despite poor weather.

A Music Month campaign was launched by Warrington BID, or Business Improvement District, as part of the Culture Warrington-led Warrington Music Festival.

A stage at Time Square showcased a more diverse range of artists and music genres, aimed at bringing a wider audience to the popular annual event, and footfall at the market on this day was up by 42 per cent compared to last year.

Proms in the Square presented professional musicians from across the region, alongside some of Warrington’s community favourites.

Despite poor weather for most of the day, footfall at the market was up by 141 per cent compared to last year.

June brought Pride, Tour of Britain and Krazy Races, with the former seeing a parade starting in Time Square, attracting a huge increase in participants from last year.

Warrington Pride also attracted large numbers to the town centre

Warrington Pride also attracted large numbers to the town centre

The council says this is as a result of much wider engagement with LGBTQ+ communities in and around Warrington, as well as a better marketing campaign.

However, the biggest success was Krazy Races, led by Warrington’s BID, which brought ‘record breaking’ numbers into the square.

The screening of the races in Time Square brought crowds of people into the square, with the market seeing an increase in footfall of 194 per cent compared to last year.

Stephen Fitzsimons, CEO of Warrington Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which supports and represents business in the town, welcomed the news.

He said: “The latest footfall figures for Warrington town centre demonstrate the importance of offering a comprehensive and diverse calendar of events throughout the year.

“Local businesses are really good at providing exciting products and services, however they need to feel confident that visitors will arrive in sufficient numbers.

“Warrington has a strong reputation for partnership working, and this is clearly on display here with BID, Culture Warrington and the council coming together to deliver this impressive programme of activities.”

Also praising the news, council leader Cllr Hans Mundry commented: “Our town centre has enjoyed a record breaking summer, with a fantastic season of events.

“This, along with our thriving dining, drinking and shopping offer, has helped deliver unprecedented levels of footfall, which is great news for Warrington.

“By creating a vibrant and welcoming environment, we are making Warrington town centre an increasingly attractive destination.

“Our range of high-quality shops and restaurants, and our award-winning market, complemented by a diverse programme of cultural activities and events, means there has never been a better time to experience everything that is on offer in the heart of our town.

“These latest figures show our investment in the town centre is really paying off, which bodes well for the continued growth and prosperity of our visitor economy.”