PENKETH High celebrates the ‘hard work and dedication’ of its class of 2024.

The school, like so many others across the country, opened its doors to welcome in its year 11 cohort one final time as they took their brown envelopes and found out the results, they have worked so hard to get.

The school hall was bustling with excited students as the successes of the day became clear.

We visited Penketh yesterday, Thursday, to see the reaction of the morning and speak to students as they collected their results.

One high achiever we chatted to was Keira Brough who achieved a fantastic four 9s, four 8s, and one 7. She was in floods of happy tears and exclaimed that she did not expect to do so well.

Luke Barber collecting his GCSE results Luke Barber collecting his GCSE results (Image: Supplied)
She is off to study biology, chemistry and economics at Cronton College.

Luke Barber did equally as well, achieving four 9s, three 8s and two 7s.

He is off to Cronton College too to study maths, further maths and computer science.

Commenting on his results he said: “I am absolutely delighted, after all the hard work effort I tried hard to put myself at the top."

Meanwhile two best friends who also came out as top performers for the school were Elizabeth Da Luz Vieira and Emily Harrop.

Elizabeth achieved five 9s, one 7 and three 6s and she is off to Priestley to study maths, further maths, physics and history.

Elizabeth and Emily collecting their resultsElizabeth and Emily collecting their results (Image: NQ)
And Emily got five 9s, two 8s, two 7s and is off to Priestley to study maths, chemistry, geology and graphic design.

Commenting on the success of the day, principal at Penketh High, John Carlin said: “I’d like to congratulate pupils who we’ve been able to celebrate with today as they received their GCSE results. 

“Normally we’d point to the fact that their successes today are a result of five years of hard work and dedication, but our young people this year have also had to deal with and recover from significant disruption to their education as a result of the pandemic. 

“We’re so proud of how they’ve overcome these challenges and of how they’ve taken responsibility for their learning and their success.

Keira Brough getting her resultsKeira Brough getting her results (Image: NQ)

“It's a pleasure to see pupils and staff working together to support their continuous development in school each day and the results secured today are testament to this collaboration. 

“Seeing the joy of pupils opening envelopes containing results that they are proud of is the best and most rewarding aspect of being a teacher and results day is a special day.

“There are some absolutely incredible performances, pupils have secured the outcomes that they deserve and that reflect their hard work and dedication. 

“Crucially, pupils have built a strong foundation for the next phase of their lives, receiving outcomes that open doors for them and enable them to progress as they continue to pursue lifelong success. 

"We’re extremely proud of the outstanding young people in our school community and we look forward to hearing about their continued success.”