A PROLIFIC offender from Orford scammed a Scottish man out of £3,000 after advertising a motorhome on eBay.

David Loran, of Watkin Street in Orford, appeared at Warrington Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday after pleading guilty to acquiring criminal property.

Prosecuting, Ms Parr told the court that in August 2022 Loran had posted a motorhome on eBay that he was selling for £14,000.

The 47-year-old was contacted by a man from Scotland who expressed interest in the motorhome and wanted to buy it.

Loran told him that another potential buyer had expressed interest and offered to put down a £3,000 deposit, and that if the victim could match the offer, he would reserve it for him.

The victim agreed to do so, transferring the 47-year-old the money on August 12, and said he would fly down to meet him and pay the remaining sum.

Later, when the victim went to contact Loran over the phone, he found that he could not contact him, and that the motorhome and the profile it was listed under had both been removed.

When both his bank and eBay would not refund the money to him, the victim contacted police in Scotland, who traced the account to Loran.

Defending, Mr Green told the court that the offence was committed by the then 45-year-old while on a suspended sentence and requested it be adjourned to be dealt with at crown court.

The suspended sentence was ordered after Loran grabbed his neighbour’s throat in 2020 and threatened ‘I’d have no problem in killing you’.

He was sentenced in 2021 to eight months imprisonment, suspended for two years, and ordered to complete 40 rehabilitation activity days.

Loran, who was 14 previous convictions for 44 offences, will now be sentenced at Chester Crown Court on September 25.