LAND continues to be safeguarded from development to prepare for the potential replacement of one of Warrington’s key crossings – but ‘no decision’ has been made.

The high-level Cantilever Bridge crosses the Manchester Ship Canal.

In August 2019, the council said it has made a commitment during the first five years of the local transport plan, LTP4, up to 2025, to review the need for the upgrade or replacement of the bridge – with this work to inform what form of improvement, if any, is required and the relevant timescales.

Councillors voted to adopt LTP4 in December 2019.

The council has been asked if the Cantilever Bridge will be replaced.

“There has been no decision made that the Cantilever Bridge will be replaced,” said a spokesman.

“The safeguarding for any future scheme is set out in Warrington’s adopted Local Plan (2021/22 – 2038/39).

“Policy INF2 ensures development will not prejudice the implementation of a new or replacement high-level crossing of the Manchester Ship Canal at this location during the plan period.”

Warrington’s Liberal Democrats say they support the safeguarding of the Cantilever Bridge and surrounding land.

Cllr Matt Scott, the Liberal Democrat spokesperson for transport, says: “When the Local Plan was being prepared, my party stressed the importance of the necessary infrastructure to be in place at the same time as any new housing.

“Crossing our waterways is a huge issue and we need to keep all the options open.

“The new rail line from Liverpool to Manchester and beyond will go through Warrington but the route remains an unknown.

“Warrington has a vibrant economy and it is essential that our highway and transport system allows the movement of people and goods in an effective manner.”