WARRINGTON South MP Sarah Hall shares her views in her latest column.

Just over two weeks ago, three innocent little girls were killed in a senseless attack in Southport.

My heart breaks for them, their parents and loved ones. I cannot begin to imagine the pain and heartache they are feeling.

As the community came together to mourn, it was unforgivable for far-right thugs to hijack what should have been a peaceful vigil for Alice, Bebe and Elsie. Resulting in attacks on police, on a local mosque and vehicles set on fire.

Spurred on by hatred whipped up online, disorder broke out across the country. Threatening communities simply because of the colour of their skin, the country they were born or the religion they follow.

Let me be clear. Violent thuggery and criminal disorder on our streets will not be tolerated. Those intent on stoking disorder, division and hatred are not welcome in our communities and they do not speak for our town.

As a nation we will not tolerate criminal behaviour, dangerous extremism, and racist attacks that go against everything our country stands for. Those who engage in criminal activity will face the strongest possible consequences.

I want to pay tribute to the police and emergency services who have once again shown how indispensable they are. It has been deeply concerning to see the attacks they have endured in riots across the country.

In Warrington, I have been in close contact with the Home Office, Cheshire Police, Cheshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, and Warrington Borough Council, to ensure every precaution is taken to keep our town’s residents safe. And I have also been to visit a local mosque to offer my full support.

It has been heartening to receive so many supportive emails from residents who have been outraged by the violent disorder taking place across the country. And so wonderful to see the strength of support for our diverse communities across Warrington.

Racism and Islamophobia is not welcome in our town.

On Sunday 15th September communities from across Warrington will join together for the annual Mela, hosted by Warrington Ethnic Community Association. Always a highlight in the town’s calendar, this vibrant and welcoming event features entertainment, food and much more from around the globe. Come and along and celebrate the rich culture and diversity Warrington has to offer.

As our country seeks to heal from the events of recent weeks, it seems fitting to end with the words of the late Jo Cox MP:

"We are far more united and have far more in common with each other than things that divide us.”