CONTROVERSIAL plans to build a new retirement home in green belt land in Lymm will be ruled on next week.

Developers McCarthy and Stone are looking to build a home with 36 apartments on land at Watercress Farm, off Thirlmere Drive.

The application will be discussed by councillors sitting on the development management committee on Thursday.

And they will rule on a reduced application after the scheme was revised from 45 apartments in September 2023 to 36 now.

However it remains hugely controversial as it sits in the green belt.

Cllr Ian Marks (LD Lymm) said the land is in the green belt and there are no very special circumstances to justify its release


He said the building is too large, and out of keeping with the area and adds that the access to the site is 'not ideal'.

He added: "The reason for dismissing an appeal by the applicant on a nearby site in 2007 still stand and set a precedent

"This would result in a significant intrusion in the gap between Lymm and Oughtrington."

Lymm Parish Council has also objected saying there are 'no very special circumstances' and say it is too large and they voiced concerns about construction traffic.

There was also 59 objections from members of the public.

However the application has been recommended for approval by council planners.

In their conclusion to the report they say: "It would make an important contribution to the provision of specialist accommodation for older people in the borough.

"Subject to conditions, there would be no unacceptable impacts on the amenity of the area, the amenity of neighbouring residents, highway safety, ecology, flood risk and drainage, heritage assets, noise, air quality and contamination or climate change."

The report continues to say a section 106 obligation, which forces the developers to pay towards affordable housing costs elsewhere in the borough, would make an important contribution to the planning system.