A SMOKER has been handed a hefty fine by the courts for the way he disposed of his cigarette.

The case of Bartlomnig Sikorski, of Warrington, was recently heard before Tameside Magistrates’ Court.

This came after the prosecution of the 30-year-old was brought about by Manchester City Council.

The defendant, of Redshank Lane in Birchwood, was charged with throwing down, leaving or otherwise depositing litter.

It was heard how Sikorski committed the offence on November 28 last year on Bloom Street in Manchester city centre.

It involved leaving litter on the street in the form of a rolled-up cigarette, contrary to the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

The case against him was found to be proved via a single justice procedure, and he was ordered to pay a total of £433.

This is broken down into a fine of £220, court costs of £125 and a statutory surcharge of £88.