THE ‘best value’ inspection into Warrington Borough Council is continuing – despite the change of Government.

As reported in May, the then-Conservative Government ordered a ‘best value’ inspection into Labour-run Warrington Borough Council amid the council’s debt totalling around £1.85 billion.

A lead inspector was appointed to assess the council’s ‘compliance with its best value duty’.

The lead inspector – who is able to request the appointment of assistant inspectors – had been asked to report findings by August 30, or ‘such later date as may be agreed’.

Labour won a huge majority in the General Election on July 4 and, following that, formed a Government.

And it has been confirmed that the ‘best value’ inspection is continuing.

Speaking yesterday, Thursday, council chief executive Steven Broomhead said: “We are continuing to fully support the process, engage with the inspector and provide him with a lot of evidence.”

In a statement in May, when the Government ordered the ‘best value’ inspection, the council issued a statement.

A spokesman said: “The inspection will undoubtedly have our full co-operation, and we will work positively, openly and at pace with the inspector.

“Equally, we welcome the CIPFA review report being made public, following their review in February 2023. We have supported the report being made public since receiving the draft report in September 2023.

“While DLUHC recognises that we have taken steps to address areas for improvement, we will continue to identify any learning and further improvements that can be made as part of this inspection process.

“Finally, we would like to reassure residents and businesses that this review will not impact the valuable services that you depend upon. We will continue to make sure that our day-to-day services remain at the standard you expect and deserve.”