THE ‘safe and compassionate’ nature of a care home has seen it receive praise from inspectors.

A report has now been published by the Care Quality Commission, or CQC, following a visit in June to Rosevilla Residential Home.

At the time inspectors visited, the home on Penkford Lane in Collins Green was providing accommodation for up to 43 people.

The report said that: “We observed a clean and tidy home. Staff treated people kindly and interacted with them throughout the duration of our onsite assessment.

“We observed staff using equipment correctly, and discreetly supporting people with personal care needs such as feeding.”

Staff said that they enjoyed working at the care home and were able to describe the steps they took to ensure the residents were safeguarded from harm and abuse.

Individuals said they felt the care home had improved since the last inspection and that staff were caring and attentive to their needs.

Staff were seen engaging people in activities, such as board games and artwork.

One relative said: “I know that my dad is safe. I did not feel that for a long time when he lived alone and was falling.”

A resident said: “Staff are lovely and friendly. They help me to wash and get dressed. The food is lovely, and we have a choice.

“We have an entertainer every two weeks. We do exercises and we do games."

Relatives and people who live at the home spoke about how they have access to health care services such as GPs, district nurses and dentists.

There were processes in place to ensure people had choices and support around their current health needs.

Staff mentioned that they encouraged people’s independence as much as possible, with people seen moving freely around the home.

Conversations between staff and people showed that staff knew the residents well.

A staff member was overheard talking to a resident about their son and engaged the person in conversation about them and where they lived.