A MAN-with-a-van with a van claimed to be reputable – but he fly-tipped trusting residents’ rubbish in public.

Kingsley Molyneux, also known as Lee Molyneux, has been prosecuted by the courts for dumping waste in an alleyway and outside a closed pub.

Warrington Magistrates’ Court heard how the 31-year-old collected waste from customers, which was then found to have been illegally fly-tipped.

Molyneux, who is a licensed waste carrier, advertised his services to unsuspecting householders who paid to have their waste removed, entrusting him to dispose of it lawfully.

He used social media accounts to advertise his services, utilising various alias accounts in an attempt to hide his actions.

One incident occurred between May 3 and 22 last year, with waste collected from a residential address on Capesthorne Avenue in Orford dumped in an alleyway.

Another occurred between August 16 and 25, with waste collected from a property on Malston Road in Hood Manor fly-tipped at the closed Jolly Falstaff pub in Padgate.

Molyneux, of Hetherington Avenue in Dallam, pleaded guilty to two charges of failing to prevent the escape of waste from his control.

He also admitted failing to cooperate with the Warrington Borough Council’s investigation by not attending an interview at the authority’s Time Square offices on February 22.

The defendant was subsequently ordered to pay a total of £2,166.11, broken down into a £300 fine, £620 in clean-up costs, £1,126.11 in legal costs and a £120 statutory surcharge.

The prosecution was welcomed by Cllr John Kerr-Brown, the council’s cabinet member for environment and public protection.

He said: “Householders have a legal responsibility to ensure that their waste is disposed of correctly.

“They should always check that if they pay somebody to remove their waste, they are a licensed waste carrier.

“Unfortunately, as in this case, this is still not a guarantee that waste will not end up fly-tipped.

“It is important to ensure that they receive a waste transfer note or a receipt that details what waste is being taken, who is taking it and where it is going.

“This documentation can protect you in case of any issues with your waste being fly-tipped.

“Incidents of fly-tipping are never tolerated, and the community can work together and share information to catch fly-tippers to put a stop to incidents like this happening.”

The Environment Agency register of licensed waste carriers can be checked at environment.data.gov.uk/public-register/view/search-waste-carriers-brokers

Residents can provide any information in relation to fly-tipping incidents via warrington.gov.uk/fly-tipping